Monday, September 12, 2016

Cleansing of negative energy

It is very important, especially for beginners, to be able to carry out the practice of cleansing negative energy and negative programs.  In general, the self-energy is a very important thing. 
But in this case I will describe a few ways to get rid of negative energy - as the very foundations.

The topic of this article purely practical, because I'm not going to talk about the psychological methods, except to say a few words.

Firstly, it is not necessary to keep all the negative in itself, but on the other hand afford to breakdowns, tantrums - as highly undesirable, since it is at least and give temporary relief, but it will bring harm. 

Because important middle ground.

You just have to take a shower or just wash their hands, besides representing that the water washes away the negative (negative can be represented as something black, viscous, or anything that is associated with it). It is desirable, moreover, to the negative manifest in your imagination with a minimum of effort, and when it ceases to be manifested - so you are clean. If not, then simply visualize investing in visualization (representation as a way of) the desired meaning.

TECHNIQUE TWO. Sent to Earth

We must stand up (if it is possible - the barefoot) on Earth, "asked" her to suck out your negativity. Just imagine how the Earth sucks your negativity as the bad energy flows from you. Mentally send it to the ground (if you can, as in the first practice, just Feel it, and if not - visualize). Energy is not only outside but also inside. If the Earth gets a certain amount of "good" energy, it is nothing to worry about - the movement of energy is always helpful. You can also use trees (preferably trees vampire, about them you can read on the Internet or I'll write later). There it is necessary to lean against a tree and asked to pick up negative.


You can "reset" the negative of the fire or hold the body of the candle flames (so as not to burn yourself) with the intention clear.


You exhale negativity - it may look like a dense obnoxious fumes, invent images, but instead breathe blue and \ or golden glow. This technique is not only clean, but also to recharge you. The fuller and broader view - the better - that is, it is necessary to provide a glow spreads throughout the body, absorbed in you, and so on, and therefore feel the severity and malignancy of negativity that you exhale.

TECHNIQUE FIVE. meditative

You optional physical contact with the elements, to purify themselves. You can use meditation. Please enter a state of relaxation (this was written before), then visualize in detail how the flow of water washes over you, absorbing and carrying away everything bad. You can also, and with other elements - for example, imagine that you are covered by the fire that does not burn your body (can be a side effect in the form of heat and light deterioration of health, but the effect is). Possible and other methods to visualize the clearing of negativity - most importantly your imagination and sensible approach (for example, try to not get negative on people and thickens in the space).


In addition, you can use the high-energy - cosmic energy, spiritual, egregorial (in some cases), the energy of love, light, flow, and so on, but it is more sophisticated techniques, which I will write later. While using those that I have described and choose the best. Remember that these techniques are very useful, but they will not solve all your problems and will not be able to purify you completely, at a deeper level there is a more serious and difficult work. Good luck in your practice!


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