Vadim Zeland: People do not notice they are suffering and dying stupidly
Culture slow death
To get real benefits from their chosen style of food, it is necessary to have an elementary culture of nutrition. If we start from primitive notions and habits, such as: "buy a roll of raw, cook them, set up, and quickly eat" or "eat fruits and vegetables, and everything will be fine", of which there will be nothing, no benefit .
We have to understand that the body - not the locomotive firebox, and push it in all of them without thinking and randomly, in the hope that "everything will burn," is just stupid.
In the human body, is stocked a certain volume of endurance, but it is not unlimited, so you still need to think about. If the culture is reduced to the concept of "snikerisati (nibble)" whatever, and anyway, will inevitably be problems.
While it is a way of life for centuries was unchanged, there was a culture of food and is normally passed from generation to generation. And when civilizations went through the technical development, life suddenly changed, and the transfer of experience stopped.
In such conditions, the culture of nutrition, not only to get lost (a significant portion has already lost), but also mutilate - degrades under the influence of factors that have nothing to do with nutrition, such as, for example, chemical processing ... and advertising.
What to do with that, I personally do not know. Here is the rescuing a drowning man in the hands of a drowning themselves. If you do not want to know what and how can you keep, then go to the hospital, or directly to the cemetery. Realistically this is so. Rely on experience and common sense of mankind has already become impossible. Boiling point of no return seems to have begun.
Since humanity has moved to white flour, margarine and yeast artificial, common sense does not work. Margarine, as a purely synthetic product, clouding consciousness. A yeast as a foreign life form (essentially a monster), is mounted into the body consciousness and managed so as to be fed precisely because it takes a monster to eat.
White flour is cooking brought to the absurd. Something valuable grain is the germ and outer membrane. White flour is obtained by cleaning the wheat from the skins and sprouts. In this way, all valuable was removed and left only the dead point, which consists primarily of starch. The liver becomes clogged mass similar to fuel oil, starch is deposited in the body in the form of mucus, the walls of the digestive tract is covered with sediments.
Margarine and spreads (trans fats) are made from refined vegetable oil second pressing, which is produced with the use of chemical solvents. Refined oil, warm, and after that hydrogenated, letting him through hydrogen. As a result is obtained a mixture of isomers of an unknown nature, which has the consistency of soft clay, foul odor, and color.
To this "product" supplied commodity quality, he adds loads of all kinds of chemicals. Trans fats are very toxic, and have the capacity to accumulate in the body, causing a series of dangerous diseases: stress, atherosclerosis, heart disease, cancer, obesity, sickly children, weakened immunity, low potency, etc.
Why is harmful artificial yeast:
These are the essences by body - mushrooms.
Imagine that you live in your body mushrooms.
Same mushrooms in baking die and their spores.
They have the ability to penetrate into the bloodstream, and that means in every organ.
In the process of their life activities secrete mycotoxins.
When they enter the body, they begin to adapt to the whole environment itself.
Symbiotic (healthy) microflora is destroyed, a pathogen flourishes.
The body becomes easily accessible to foreign bacteria and viruses.
Creating ideal conditions for cancer cells develop.
Why do I say to humanity in terms of food (as well as many other things), can not be trusted? If the human flock mass produces and consumes what it kills, it is clear that he can not be trusted. How can one trust a junkie, for example?
The man who is in trouble, problems can not see or does not want to see them. A problematic Society - long does not want to see their own problems, or even unable to see them, because it is in the illusion KRDN security. Or see it, in the end, that "smoking kills" after they started to tobacco each added chemicals, after which he kills more. And this same word "kills" can the credibility that it adheres to all supermarketsku synthetics. The illusion that soothes's just that, you kill slowly and imperceptibly.
People do not notice they are suffering and dying stupid, lack of basic food culture. From the moment when they appeared in the diet of these three main components: white flour, margarine, yeast - the culture is completed and started matrix.
These components are a part of the most common, everyday products - biscuits. This is the basis matrix scheme (cultures) diet. The main thing is to lay the foundations so that people lost their sanity, as in the tale of Sinbad the Sailor. Then they will understand, why suffer and die, and in general with the aim of which is all that. Does the farm livestock understands what and why is the food?
And there is still the only difference is that the matrix is not, but the people themselves have built a farm for themselves, and even more training in food technology to the body and consciousness fit into the goals of the matrix. The matrix in humans has a goal once again remind:
The cells should be completed obedient elements. And these elements must be, primarily, not very healthy, that there would be free energy, and secondly, a little twisted, so as not to realize where they are. Energy and conscious will need to be accurate enough to fulfill their obligation to functional - no more, no less.
The transition from the traditional to the raw diet does not indicate any progress in the culture of nutrition, if it does not respect the basic principles. Consider that the principles damaging.
1. The diet should be stable, unchanging.
Kitchen (set of products and ways to prepare them) should be a stable constant. Nutrition in general should not abruptly change, for example, without special needs should not be passed from one to another national cuisine. This is mainly because of intestinal microflora, which is adapted for the welding of one or other foods. It is slowly being restored, adaptation can take months. Therefore, any transition should be smooth, gradual. If we talk about the transition to a raw diet, there are even more not to hurry, because it added another factor - intensive detoxification. Should not be brought ourselves to a state of intoxication increased. Thus, in modern conditions, especially young people, it is better not to adjust for months, for years.
2. The diet should be a maximum of variety.
At the same time, the dishes must be as simple and jednosložnija, consisting of similar ingredients. It is better to eat more than one thing at a meal. Diversity is needed only in a general range. Only fruits and vegetables - this is a very low calorie diet. If you are asked to eat something sweet, it means that the body is something missing. For example, the brain consumes more than a quarter of the energy of the body, for his work required lecithin. The chocolate is lecithin, and in fruits and vegetables is - so i requested. But why overeat chocolate if that same lecithin has enough pulses?
3. Food should be a pleasure to represent.
The human brain is so constituted that it receives satisfaction. If there is no satisfaction, serotonin is not produced, and then it all wrong. If there is no satisfaction, the brain will look for him in that case and the artificial stimulants.
Food is one of the main pleasures, it must be delicious saved. If that's what you eat, it is useful, but tasteless, you will always be looking for something that is unnecessary delicious, this ordeal will take until the brain gets his share of pleasure. Therefore, one should not engage in masochism, should not be chewed lettuce as cows, need to find simple but tasty recipe, and do not receive a benefit, but also the pleasure - in this culture consists of raw diet. Raw food can and should be delicious.
4. Artificial stimulants and relaxants off.
The payment will still go with interest. That is, from something artificial is always less good than harm. Restore is not uniform. In the beginning, it is easier and then gets worse. Depression and panic attacks - are diseases of new generations. They are not caused by anything other than the chemical components in products. Chemistry always causes altered state of consciousness, to a greater or lesser extent. Another cause intoxication, despite the fact that the toxins "are packed in barrels." Do not pack all. And if left untreated result of their cause, the situation is only getting worse.
One can ask the question: what is artificial in coffee and chocolate? If you are ecologically pure, natural products, then probably nothing if used in moderation. Only now natural coffee and chocolate hard to find. This is big business, all plantations are watered abundantly chemistry, not to talk about what it all added to the final product. The damage is not the caffeine, but in the subsequent chemistry. The best and safest stimulant were wild raw cocoa beans. I can only chew can be made out of cocoa or chocolate candy. The effect is felt immediately and without consequence.
5. The main principle: the products should be natural.
This means no GMO, yeast, chemicals, synthetics. In supermarkets it can barely raise 1-5% of what men fall in natural products. (Though, the reality changes, and progress is already there.) The product that is "sealed and buried" in the long life, can not be regarded as natural. Additives camouflage "identical to natural" are also synthetic, no matter how masked. Used in nutrition "long-term" fruit and vegetables from the supermarket, it is madness. For the body there is nothing worse than synthetic (artificially synthesized) toxin.
The nature of the course of billions of years of evolution has provided everything else.
If the body could talk, he'd say, you can make me starve, torture excessive physical exertion, throw me in the heat or cold, you can drop me blood, I can be tortured and even cut, I will submit to all the ... but if you poisoned me, you fool, you and me will be bad, very bad, everything will be just a very bad end.
Vadim Zeland
Culture slow death
To get real benefits from their chosen style of food, it is necessary to have an elementary culture of nutrition. If we start from primitive notions and habits, such as: "buy a roll of raw, cook them, set up, and quickly eat" or "eat fruits and vegetables, and everything will be fine", of which there will be nothing, no benefit .
We have to understand that the body - not the locomotive firebox, and push it in all of them without thinking and randomly, in the hope that "everything will burn," is just stupid.
In the human body, is stocked a certain volume of endurance, but it is not unlimited, so you still need to think about. If the culture is reduced to the concept of "snikerisati (nibble)" whatever, and anyway, will inevitably be problems.
While it is a way of life for centuries was unchanged, there was a culture of food and is normally passed from generation to generation. And when civilizations went through the technical development, life suddenly changed, and the transfer of experience stopped.
In such conditions, the culture of nutrition, not only to get lost (a significant portion has already lost), but also mutilate - degrades under the influence of factors that have nothing to do with nutrition, such as, for example, chemical processing ... and advertising.
What to do with that, I personally do not know. Here is the rescuing a drowning man in the hands of a drowning themselves. If you do not want to know what and how can you keep, then go to the hospital, or directly to the cemetery. Realistically this is so. Rely on experience and common sense of mankind has already become impossible. Boiling point of no return seems to have begun.
Since humanity has moved to white flour, margarine and yeast artificial, common sense does not work. Margarine, as a purely synthetic product, clouding consciousness. A yeast as a foreign life form (essentially a monster), is mounted into the body consciousness and managed so as to be fed precisely because it takes a monster to eat.
White flour is cooking brought to the absurd. Something valuable grain is the germ and outer membrane. White flour is obtained by cleaning the wheat from the skins and sprouts. In this way, all valuable was removed and left only the dead point, which consists primarily of starch. The liver becomes clogged mass similar to fuel oil, starch is deposited in the body in the form of mucus, the walls of the digestive tract is covered with sediments.
Margarine and spreads (trans fats) are made from refined vegetable oil second pressing, which is produced with the use of chemical solvents. Refined oil, warm, and after that hydrogenated, letting him through hydrogen. As a result is obtained a mixture of isomers of an unknown nature, which has the consistency of soft clay, foul odor, and color.
To this "product" supplied commodity quality, he adds loads of all kinds of chemicals. Trans fats are very toxic, and have the capacity to accumulate in the body, causing a series of dangerous diseases: stress, atherosclerosis, heart disease, cancer, obesity, sickly children, weakened immunity, low potency, etc.
Why is harmful artificial yeast:
These are the essences by body - mushrooms.
Imagine that you live in your body mushrooms.
Same mushrooms in baking die and their spores.
They have the ability to penetrate into the bloodstream, and that means in every organ.
In the process of their life activities secrete mycotoxins.
When they enter the body, they begin to adapt to the whole environment itself.
Symbiotic (healthy) microflora is destroyed, a pathogen flourishes.
The body becomes easily accessible to foreign bacteria and viruses.
Creating ideal conditions for cancer cells develop.
Why do I say to humanity in terms of food (as well as many other things), can not be trusted? If the human flock mass produces and consumes what it kills, it is clear that he can not be trusted. How can one trust a junkie, for example?
The man who is in trouble, problems can not see or does not want to see them. A problematic Society - long does not want to see their own problems, or even unable to see them, because it is in the illusion KRDN security. Or see it, in the end, that "smoking kills" after they started to tobacco each added chemicals, after which he kills more. And this same word "kills" can the credibility that it adheres to all supermarketsku synthetics. The illusion that soothes's just that, you kill slowly and imperceptibly.
People do not notice they are suffering and dying stupid, lack of basic food culture. From the moment when they appeared in the diet of these three main components: white flour, margarine, yeast - the culture is completed and started matrix.
These components are a part of the most common, everyday products - biscuits. This is the basis matrix scheme (cultures) diet. The main thing is to lay the foundations so that people lost their sanity, as in the tale of Sinbad the Sailor. Then they will understand, why suffer and die, and in general with the aim of which is all that. Does the farm livestock understands what and why is the food?
And there is still the only difference is that the matrix is not, but the people themselves have built a farm for themselves, and even more training in food technology to the body and consciousness fit into the goals of the matrix. The matrix in humans has a goal once again remind:
The cells should be completed obedient elements. And these elements must be, primarily, not very healthy, that there would be free energy, and secondly, a little twisted, so as not to realize where they are. Energy and conscious will need to be accurate enough to fulfill their obligation to functional - no more, no less.
The transition from the traditional to the raw diet does not indicate any progress in the culture of nutrition, if it does not respect the basic principles. Consider that the principles damaging.
1. The diet should be stable, unchanging.
Kitchen (set of products and ways to prepare them) should be a stable constant. Nutrition in general should not abruptly change, for example, without special needs should not be passed from one to another national cuisine. This is mainly because of intestinal microflora, which is adapted for the welding of one or other foods. It is slowly being restored, adaptation can take months. Therefore, any transition should be smooth, gradual. If we talk about the transition to a raw diet, there are even more not to hurry, because it added another factor - intensive detoxification. Should not be brought ourselves to a state of intoxication increased. Thus, in modern conditions, especially young people, it is better not to adjust for months, for years.
2. The diet should be a maximum of variety.
At the same time, the dishes must be as simple and jednosložnija, consisting of similar ingredients. It is better to eat more than one thing at a meal. Diversity is needed only in a general range. Only fruits and vegetables - this is a very low calorie diet. If you are asked to eat something sweet, it means that the body is something missing. For example, the brain consumes more than a quarter of the energy of the body, for his work required lecithin. The chocolate is lecithin, and in fruits and vegetables is - so i requested. But why overeat chocolate if that same lecithin has enough pulses?
3. Food should be a pleasure to represent.
The human brain is so constituted that it receives satisfaction. If there is no satisfaction, serotonin is not produced, and then it all wrong. If there is no satisfaction, the brain will look for him in that case and the artificial stimulants.
Food is one of the main pleasures, it must be delicious saved. If that's what you eat, it is useful, but tasteless, you will always be looking for something that is unnecessary delicious, this ordeal will take until the brain gets his share of pleasure. Therefore, one should not engage in masochism, should not be chewed lettuce as cows, need to find simple but tasty recipe, and do not receive a benefit, but also the pleasure - in this culture consists of raw diet. Raw food can and should be delicious.
4. Artificial stimulants and relaxants off.
The payment will still go with interest. That is, from something artificial is always less good than harm. Restore is not uniform. In the beginning, it is easier and then gets worse. Depression and panic attacks - are diseases of new generations. They are not caused by anything other than the chemical components in products. Chemistry always causes altered state of consciousness, to a greater or lesser extent. Another cause intoxication, despite the fact that the toxins "are packed in barrels." Do not pack all. And if left untreated result of their cause, the situation is only getting worse.
One can ask the question: what is artificial in coffee and chocolate? If you are ecologically pure, natural products, then probably nothing if used in moderation. Only now natural coffee and chocolate hard to find. This is big business, all plantations are watered abundantly chemistry, not to talk about what it all added to the final product. The damage is not the caffeine, but in the subsequent chemistry. The best and safest stimulant were wild raw cocoa beans. I can only chew can be made out of cocoa or chocolate candy. The effect is felt immediately and without consequence.
5. The main principle: the products should be natural.
This means no GMO, yeast, chemicals, synthetics. In supermarkets it can barely raise 1-5% of what men fall in natural products. (Though, the reality changes, and progress is already there.) The product that is "sealed and buried" in the long life, can not be regarded as natural. Additives camouflage "identical to natural" are also synthetic, no matter how masked. Used in nutrition "long-term" fruit and vegetables from the supermarket, it is madness. For the body there is nothing worse than synthetic (artificially synthesized) toxin.
The nature of the course of billions of years of evolution has provided everything else.
If the body could talk, he'd say, you can make me starve, torture excessive physical exertion, throw me in the heat or cold, you can drop me blood, I can be tortured and even cut, I will submit to all the ... but if you poisoned me, you fool, you and me will be bad, very bad, everything will be just a very bad end.
Vadim Zeland